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Unfinished Person

This exhibition is my final project which based on my essay. The artwork referred to Banking Concept of Paulo Freire Theory

What is the critique of this artwork?

I don't have the spcific concept of this artwork. My purpose is I want art as a facilitator to lead the audience learn by themselves

Why this artwork?

Because as far as I experienced as an art educator and combine with the educational system when I have taught. I questioned that


What is the proper educational should be?

Am I oppressed by the educational system?
How far that can I awareness the system?
Then How can I move on art education in my country?

'...we are an unfinished charactor is the fundamental of educable' (Freire, 2001).

- The mataphor of the chair is refer to the student who is learner being an unfinished person as a three legs chair.

- Big broken canvas refers to the Banking concept or traditional educational system, specific in Thai art pedagogy which I was experienced

- The cracking of birdcage refered to the pursuit of learners’ liberation. With this concept, hooks (1994) emphazised me about education as the practice of freedom as she pointed that practice of freedom is the way to educate people to awareness themselve to share their own spiritual and their opinion.




- hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom.

New York: Routledge.

- Freire, P. (2001). Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 30th Anniversary Edition. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

St. James Church, Goldsmiths College

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