Food of Mind
‘Why food?’ and ‘Why do I like to cook?’
Thought about critical pedagogy, challenged us to think about how to design ‘Food of Mind’ project to communicate with the audiance. The core of critical thinking works in both of individuals and groups. Basically, the cycle of critical context helps our groups to awareness in individual’s life to connect with the project (Freire cited by Duncan and Ernest, 2008).
‘Collaboration as the way we deal with difference’ (Tiravanija, 2011)
‘Food of Mind’ as a tool of art and pedagody that bring us to create artwork about food, memory, music and art. In first stage, we believe that food is a common and varied experience that has poteincial to connect us together. In this project we specific about ‘what is the food in your memory’ and we participated with our classmate to share the idea of food experience. Then we invited all people to join into our presentation. However, moving to the affective critical practice with our understanding and exploring, the purpose that we use critical method for connect the audience to share within our space which is the quetion on each plates, table and recipe.